👋About Me👋

  • Karl Zheng is a computer science master degree holder.
  • Before joining Anker, he worked as a department manager in LinkCM.
  • He also worked in Ucweb, Alibaba and Meizu.
  • He has participated in or led the development of smartphones, smart home devices, wearing equipments, TV boxes, video conferencing terminals etc.


技术 🌱

  • Bashrc : 👋十余年打造,超过两千行的Bashrc,极大提高在Linux工作的效率🔥👋
  • Vimrc : 👋打造十余年,超过两千行的Vimrc, 极大提高编写程序代码的效率🔥👋

Skill Keywords

Software Engineer Keywords

Mobile Developer Keywords
