
1. 足够的低音和丰富的高音细节
1. Sufficient bass and rich treble details

2. 细节清晰 高音纯正 低音震撼
2. Clear details, high pitched pure bass shock

3. 平衡度:声音比较均衡的耳机,听起来不会给人感觉哪一个部分特别突兀,让人难受;高中低频错落有致,衔接得体,听起来很舒服平顺。
3. Balance: earphones with balanced sound will not make people feel that any part is particularly abrupt and uncomfortable; The high, middle and low frequencies are scattered and well connected, which sounds very comfortable and smooth.

4. 有足够的低音以及饱满的人声效果
4. Enough bass and full vocal effect

5. 声音舒适,有足够的低音
5. Comfortable sound with enough bass

6. 三频均衡,就像五官端正一样。
6. Tri frequency balance, just like facial features.

7. 耐听,低音瞬态好,鼓点清晰干净;人声自然均衡;高频延伸好;层次感强
7. Durable, good bass transient, clear and clean drums; Natural balance of human voice; Good high frequency extension; Strong sense of hierarchy

8. 饱满的人声效果;低音一定要足够
8. Full vocal effect; Bass must be enough

10. 高音细节及中音处理
10. Treble details and midrange processing

12. 低音充沛但是不过度渲染,中音清澈,高音细节丰富不刺耳,器乐细节清晰,人声细腻
12. The bass is abundant but not overly exaggerated, the Alto is clear, the treble is rich in detail and not harsh, the instrumental details are clear, and the human voice is delicate

13. 三频均衡,解析清晰,声场开阔,高频亮、中频厚、低频动感
13. Tri frequency balance, clear analysis, wide sound field, high frequency bright, medium frequency thick, low frequency dynamic

14. 低音足够、高音清晰
14. Enough bass and clear treble

15. 有可选择的EQ,可以听到足够的低音,丰富的高音细节,饱满的人声效果,没有大的噪音。
15. With optional EQ, you can hear enough bass, rich treble details, full vocal effect, and no big noise.

16. 音效的辨识度,清晰度,饱和度
16. Recognition, clarity and saturation of sound effect

17. 我比较注重耳机的底音、和人声音质
17. I pay more attention to the bottom tone and vocal quality of headphones

18. 个人喜欢有纯粹的人声效果。
18. I like pure vocal effect.

19. 音质浑厚,无噪音,不刺耳,低音感强,音质细致能听出不同的音质
19. The sound quality is thick, noiseless, not harsh, with strong bass sense, and the sound quality is detailed, so you can hear different sound quality

20. 丰富的高音细节&足够的低音
20. Rich treble details & enough bass


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